For the purposes of Article 4(a) of Regulation (EU) No 1307/2013, “farmer”means any natural or legal person or group of natural or legal persons - regardless of the legal personality conferred by national law on the group and its members - whose holding carries on an agricultural activity and is situated within the territorial scope of the Treaties within the meaning of Article 52 TEU in conjunction with Articles 349 and 355 TFEU.

Farmers' Association
In the RDP Puglia 2014-2020 we mean farmers' association:

  • Producer Organisations (POs) and their Associations (AOPs), recognised under EU, national and regional legislation; 
  • Groups as defined in Article 3(2) of Regulation (EU) No 1151/2012, including consortia for the protection of PDO, PGI or TSG recognised under national legislation, in particular Article 53 of Law No 128/1998 as replaced by Article 14 of Law No 526/1999 where applicable; 
  • the producer groups indicated in Article 95 of Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013, including protection consortia recognised under national law, in particular Article 17 of Legislative Decree 61/2010 where applicable; 
  • agricultural management cooperatives and agricultural product processing cooperatives and their consortia; 
  • networks of enterprises, groups or bodies set up as joint ventures or joint ventures or associated forms with legal personality.

Farm booklet (FA)
An element which, within the SIAN, is responsible for collecting and sharing structural and lasting information relating to each farm.
In order to provide an organic and coherent structure of the information of a farm, the legislator, in Presidential Decree 503/99 and Legislative Decree 99/2004, has identified the technical and organizational model of reference constituted by the company file. The company file represents a homogeneous, aggregated and certified container of information that characterizes the farm, also based on the provisions of Presidential Decree 503/99.
It, in paper and electronic format (Presidential Decree no. 503/99, art. 9 paragraph 1), contains a summary of company data and is established within the register of companies (Legislative Decree no. 173/98, art. 14, paragraph 3). The paper format includes all the documentation proving the information relating to the company's size and is aligned with the computerised company file. The information relating to company data, company stocks and the driving licence, resulting from the company file, also constitute the reference and calculation basis valid for the purposes of the investigation procedures in all relations with the central or local public administration in agri-food, forestry and fishing matters, without prejudice to the right of verification and control of the administration itself (Presidential Decree no. 503/99, art. 10, paragraph 5).

Filiera corta
Filiera che non coinvolge più di un intermediario tra agricoltore e consumatore. La filiera corta, come definita dall’art. 2, comma 1, lettera m) del Regolamento(UE) n. 1305/2013 e dai documenti applicativi, è una filiera di approvvigionamento formata da un numero limitato di operatori economici che si impegnano a promuovere la cooperazione, lo sviluppo economico locale e stretti rapporti socio-territoriali tra produttori, trasformatori e consumatori.

Focus Area (FA)
Specific objectives of the Community's rural development policy which are covered by six general objectives defined as priorities.

Free area
Area of the regional territory north of the buffer zone where the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa has been found not to occur.