The funding can be accessed by training bodies accredited to the Puglia Region that:
- design and present training activities on the topics covered by the submeasure;
- have teaching staff with proven skills and professionalism.
Expanding and innovating the specialist training offer - courses, seminars, coaching and professional support - for:
- operators in the agricultural sector;
- operators in the agri-food sector;
- holders of forest areas.
Read more Beneficiaries
The funding can be accessed by training bodies accredited to the Puglia Region that:
- design and present training activities on the topics covered by the submeasure;
- have teaching staff with proven skills and professionalism.
Expanding and innovating the specialist training offer - courses, seminars, coaching and professional support - for:
- operators in the agricultural sector;
- operators in the agri-food sector;
- holders of forest areas.
The training offer must cover the following subjects:
- Sustainable increase of productivity, profitability and resource efficiency in agro-ecosystems, also through water saving;
- Soil functions and other ecological and social services of agriculture;
- Coordination and integration of supply chain processes and strengthening of the role of agriculture;
- Quality, typicality and safety of agricultural products and foodstuffs and healthy lifestyles;
- Sustainable use of biological resources for energy and industrial purposes.
Selection principles
The assessment of submeasure 1.1 requires a subdivision into macro-criteria, a minimum eligibility score of 40 and a maximum score of up to 100 points, as defined for:
- Type of operations activated, with a maximum score of 100 points, divided in turn into:
- quality of the project, in terms of completeness and adequacy of the same with reference to the objectives of the submeasure, as well as consistency of the overall educational system (training objectives, training methodologies and organizational choices) (minimum 21/max 55 points);
- adequacy and quanti-qualitative consistency of the human resources employed with the objectives of the training activities project (minimum 10/max 30 points);
- reliability and quality of the verification system (in itinere, ex post) (minimum 5/max 15 points)
Territorial areas and beneficiaries do not foresee any relevance in the attribution of the score in this case.
Eligible expenditure
The financing covers the costs incurred for:
- planning, coordinating and implementing training activities;
- compensation for teachers and tutors;
- hiring equipment and purchasing teaching material;
- purchasing consumables for exercises;
- renting and leasing classrooms and educational facilities;
- organising educational visits;
- hiring public transport;
- any general weights.
Scope of financing
Funding covers 100% of eligible costs.
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