Beneficiaries – CALL 2022
Young people aged between 18 and 41 on the date of issue of the DDS in the SIAN portal who have the following requirements:
- the possession of right qualifications and professional skills;
- the setting up for the first time on an agricultural holding as a farm manager, or a registration with the C.C.I.A.A. and possession of a company file that has been validated for no more than 12 months from the date of issue of the DDS on the SIAN portal;
- to be registered with the INPS social security position or have submitted an application for registration with the same before the release of the DDS in the SIAN portal;
- the absence of serious crimes to the detriment of the State and the EU according to art. 80 of Dlgs 50/2016;
- the absence of situations that prevent the release of non-interdicting antimafia information
The beneficiaries have to:
- submit a business plan, pursuant to Reg. (EU) 1305/2013, paragraph 4, art. 19, to facilitate the conduct of entrepreneurial activity, using the Project Information Process (E.I.P.);
- run the company for at least five years from the date of the provision for granting the aid, and be mainly engaged in the agricultural company that is the object of the settlement;
- acquire within 36 months from the date of the single decision to grant support the qualification of CD or IAP with registration in the relevant INPS social security management.
The call 2022 has the aim to
- support the access of young entrepreneurs to agriculture also in order to create innovative companies oriented towards the development of new products and new commercial outlets;
- maintain and consolidate the socio-economic fabric in rural areas to ensure the maintenance of viable and productive farms in constant agricultural activity;
- ensure a generational change functional to the renewed economic and social framework of agriculture and the role it must assume in society.
Selection principles
The assessment of the 2022 call for sub-measure 6.1 provides for a subdivision into macro-criteria, a minimum admissible score of 35 points and a maximum score that can reach 100 points, defined as follows:
- territorial areas, with a maximum score of 40 points, in turn differentiated as follows:
- geographical location with territorial priority according to the degree of rurality (Rural areas C and D of the Apulian rural areas classification, referred to in chapter 8.1 of the Puglia RDP 2014-2022);
- disadvantaged areas not falling within the rural areas C and D of the Apulian rural areas classification, referred to in chapter 8.1 of the Puglia RDP 2014-2022;
- Areas A and B “urban and peri-urban areas - intensive rural areas” (Apulian rural areas classification referred to in chapter 8.1).
Beneficiaries, with a maximum score of 25 points.
Type of operations activated, with a maximum score of 35 points for the presentation of the Business Plan which provides the conversion from the conventional cultivation method to the organic cultivation method or to the certified integrated production method for all farm crops for which it is the integrated production disciplinary has been approved, or, if already in place, the maintenance of the organic cultivation method or integrated production by taking over the transferee of the company.
With the same score the priority will be given to the applicant with a minor age.
Eligible expenditure
The amount of the first settlement bonus has been differentiated according to the process of setting up the new agricultural enterprise and the territorial location of the company, as specified below:
- Young person who takes up residence in a pre-existing company and in possession of the objective minimum access requirement (PS> € 18,000.00 or € 15,000.00 for each person established):
- Support in ordinary areas: € 50,000.00
- Support in areas in mountain areas, in areas subject to significant natural constraints other than mountain areas and areas C and D of the Apulian Rural Areas Classification: € 55,000.00.
The company being settled is also considered a pre-existing company if it comes from several transferring producers in the event that at least one company file, at the time of takeover, possesses the objective minimum access requirement (PS> € 18,000.00 or € 15,000.00 for each seated).
- Young person who takes up residence in a newly established company coming from several transferring producers, provided that none of the transferred company files possesses the objective minimum access requirement (PS> € 18,000.00 or € 15,000.00 for each established):
- Support in ordinary areas: € 60,000.00
- Support in areas Support in mountain areas, in areas subject to significant natural constraints other than mountain areas and areas C and D of the Apulian Rural Areas Classification: € 65,000.00
Beneficiaries - call 2016 closed
Young people between the age of 18 and the age of 40, at the time of application:
- have worked for at least three years as an employee, farm labourer, agricultural expert, agro-technician or have a degree in Agricultural, Forestry or Veterinary Sciences (a the requirement that can be achieved within the three years following the submission of the application);
- for the first time as the head of a holding on an agricultural holding;
- present a Business Plan with structural interventions under Operation 4.1.B (Support for tangible and intangible investments made by young farmers) and/or Submeasure 6.4 (Support for investments in the creation and development of non-agricultural activities);
- undertake to become active farmers within 18 months of setting up.
Settlement in an associated form is permitted in accordance with the procedures laid down in the invitations to tender.
Supporting young people's access to agricultural entrepreneurship for:
- ensuring generational replacement;
- creating innovative companies geared to developing new products and new market outlets;
- supporting and consolidating the socio-economic fabric in rural areas.
Selection principles
The assessment of submeasure 6.1 shall comprise a subdivision into macro-criteria, a minimum permissible score of 25 points and a maximum permissible score of up to 100 points, as defined for:
- territorial scopes, with a maximum score of 35 points, which in turn are differentiated as follows:
- geographical location with territorial priority according to the degree of rurality (Rural areas C and D of the Apulian rural areas classification, as per chapter 8.1 of the Puglia 2014-2020 RDP) for a maximum of 45 points;
- disadvantaged areas not covered by Rural Areas C and D of the Apulian Rural Areas Classification, as per chapter 8.1 of RDP Puglia 2014-2020 for a maximum of 15 points.
- type of operations activated, with a maximum score of 35 points per Presentation of a Business Plan that provides for the implementation, as part of an integrated project, interventions supported by at least three measures of the RDP in addition to Measure 6;
- beneficiaries (with a maximum attributable score of 65 points) with reference to the economic size of the company, subject to establishment, expressed in standard production (PS). The score will be attributed on the basis of the greater economic size of the company compared to the minimum access threshold established of 18,000.00 euros per applicant.
In the event of equal scores between several beneficiaries, priority will be given to those with the lowest age. The assignment of points on the types of operations activated is not applicable.
Eligible expenditure
The setting-up premium is linked to the eligibility for financing of the investments requested under Measure 4. 1. B and/or Submeasure 6. 4.
Scope of financing
Young people who settle in an existing company with “standard production"; greater than 18,000 euros the premium is 45,000 euros for areas C, D and for disadvantaged areas.
The premium is 40,000 euros in all other areas.
Young people who start a new company have a prize of 55,000 euros in areas C, D and for disadvantaged areas.
The premium is 50,000 euros in all other areas.
The disbursement of the start-up grant is divided into three instalments, 50% following admission to funding, 30% upon reporting of at least 50% of the eligible expenditure under operation 4. 1.B and/or submeasure 6. 4, 20% on completion of the measures provided for in the business plan eligible for financing.
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