The premium may be applied by:
- public and private scientific bodies;
- agricultural and/or zootechnical enterprises and nurseries provided that they are also agricultural enterprises;
- other stakeholders, in association, interested in the conservation and protection of biodiversity.
Submeasure 10.2.1 supports projects for:
- bibliographic surveys and territorial prospecting in order to identify and characterize native genetic resources;
- searching for reproductive material;
- ex situ conservation of indigenous genetic resources;
- morphological and genetic characterization;
- phytosanitary upgrading of propagating material;
- inventories, germplasm banks and databases;
- drafting of ampelographic and pomological data sheets for each genetic resource;
- in situ conservation of indigenous genetic resources at risk of erosion.
Selection criteria
Support for submeasure 10.2.1 provides for a minimun admissible score of 41 points and a maximum score of 100 points, defined as follows for the types of operations activated, differentiated in turn:
- the quality of the project in relation to the specific and appropriate competence of the proposers, and the actions contained therein (minimum 13-maximum 70 punti);
- the extent of the territory covered by the project (maximum 10 punti);
- accession by agricultural enterprises participating in operations 10.1.4/10.1.5 (maximum 20 punti).
Territorial areas and beneficiaries are not relevant for scoring.
Eligible expenditure
The financing covers the costs incurred for:
- the maintenance and computer development of databases and application programs;
- the purchase of useful equipment and services;
- the establishment or conclusion of agreements that facilitate the implementation of projects of territorial significance;
- assignments for company inspections by technical and/or scientific experts;
- the drafting and printing of publications (including in digital format);
- the organisation of workshops, demonstration days;
- dissemination activities and participation in exhibitions or fairs;
- permanent and temporary staff employed full or part-time on activities (up to a maximum of 10% of the total amount reported).
Scope of support
The support provided for Submeasure 10.2.1 is at a rate of 100%.
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