With the Determination of the Managing Authority no. 222 of 27 October 2017, the photographic contest notice entitled “Frames of rural Apulia" has been published.
The contest, addressed to professional and amateur photographers, aims to promote and enhance the rural world of Puglia, through the eyes of those who have captured emotions, feelings, scents, flavors, captured and told in a photographic image.
Concorso fotografico “Fotogrammi della Puglia rurale”
Photo contest Frames of rural Apulia
Contest to professional and amateur photographers
Read the call
Closed call
Determinazione Autorità di gestione n. 222 del 22 10 2017.pdf
Misura 20 – Approvazione bando e allegati Concorso fotografico “Fotogrammi della Puglia Rurale”Contacts
Angelo Depalma
Head of Measure 20
Phone: +39 080 5405142
e-mail: angelo.depalma@regione.puglia.it
PEC: assistenzatecnica.psr@pec.rupar.puglia.it