Bando Sottomisura 6.1 - 2022

Call for tender Submeasure 6.1 - 2022

Start-up aid for young farmers

The call, with a total budget of 55 million euros, is aimed to encouraging the settlement of young people in agriculture, aged between 18 and 41 years. The call has these objectives:

  • to support the access of young entrepreneurs to agriculture also in order to create innovative companies oriented towards the development of new products and new commercial purposes;
  • maintain and consolidate the socio-economic fabric in rural areas to ensure the operation of vital and productive farms in constant exercise of agricultural activity;
  • to ensure a generational change that will be functional to the renewed economic and social reference framework of agriculture and the role it must play in society.

The payment of the first settlement  bonus will be made in two parts:

  • the first installment, equal to 70% of the amount of the award granted, will be paid following the admission to financing;
  • the second installment, equal to 30% of the amount of the bonus granted, will be paid upon completion of the interventions/activities provided in the business plan. This second payment wil be settled after the correct implementation of the business plan . The head of Submesure 6.1 will controll also the possession of professional capacity, if not possessed at the time of presentation of the DDS, and the fulfillment of the other commitments undertaken (acquisition of the definitive qualification of IAP or CD), as well as the certification attesting to the maintenance of cultivation with organic or integrated methods, where they are relevant.

Read the call

Closed call


Mariateresa D'Arcangelo 
Head of Submeasures 4.1.B, 6.1

Phone: +39 080 5405226

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