The financing is available to producer groups, established in any legal form.
Producer groups must carry out dissemination activities related to quality schemes supported under Submeasure 3.1.
In particular, information activities must address:
- product quality standards;
- specific production methods ;
- high level of animal welfare;
- respect for the environment.
Raising awareness among producers and consumers of the benefits and advantages of agricultural production under quality schemes.
Promotion and information activities may involve:
- consumers;
- producers not yet covered by food quality schemes;
- distribution operators.
Read more Beneficiaries
The financing is available to producer groups, established in any legal form.
Producer groups must carry out dissemination activities related to quality schemes supported under Submeasure 3.1.
In particular, information activities must address:
- product quality standards;
- specific production methods;
- high level of animal welfare;
- respect for the environment.
Raising awareness among producers and consumers of the benefits and advantages of agricultural production under quality schemes.
Promotion and information activities may involve:
- consumers;
- producers not yet covered by food quality schemes;
- distribution operators.
Selection principles
The assessment of Submeasure 3.2 requires a subdivision into macro-criteria, a minimum eligibility score of 30 and a maximum score of up to 100 points, as defined for:
- type of operations activated, with a maximum score of 100 points, divided in turn into:
- recently awarded quality scheme (max 40 points);
- project quality (max 45 points).
The remaining 15 points are assigned to the beneficiaries on the basis of the level of aggregation of the quality schemes, whether they belong to the same or different sectors. In the event of equal scores, priority will be given to DdS that require a lower cost. The territorial scopes for this submeasure are not relevant for the attribution of points.
Eligible expenditure
The financing covers the costs incurred for:
- producing publications and multimedia products except for films;
- realizing and to diffusing photographic images and videos;
- creating websites;
- realizing posters;
- bearing the costs of advertising posters;
- realizing campaigns and events;
- buying advertising space;
- organising and participate in fairs and exhibitions.
Scope of support
Funding covers 70% of eligible costs.
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