Forms of aggregation composed of:
- at least two entities constituted in the form of network/consortium/cooperative contracts;
- the aggregates must:
- present a project related to one of the themes provided for by the submeasure, containing the context and needs to be addressed, the description of the expected results, the list of participants in the project and the timing of the project;
- provide for operational activities relating exclusively to the territories covered by the Natura 2000 network areas.
The submeasure promotes:
- processes of aggregation and forms of cooperation between institutions, scientists, farmers and consumers;
- increasing knowledge of specific environmental issues;
- projects and initiatives aimed at achieving environmental and climate objectives;
- the dissemination of agricultural practices compatible with the protection of natural resources (integrated agriculture) to transfer techniques, models and experiences of innovative management of the territory;
- the preservation of agricultural landscapes and biodiversity.
Selection principles
The evaluation of submeasure 16.5 provides for a subdivision into macro-criteria, a minimum admissible score of 40 points and a maximum score that can reach 100 points, divided as follows:
- type of operations activated, up to a maximum of 80 points, which in turn are differentiated as follows:
- quality of the project and of the interventions: this criterion takes into account the peculiarities of this design and meets the needs indicated in the general description of the Measure (min 23 - max 50 points);
- territorial dimension of the project: this criterion takes into account the representativeness of the territory covered by the project on the basis of the number of participants and the extent of the territory managed by them (max 30 points).
- beneficiaries, for a maximum score of 20 points, specifically:
- quality and composition of the partnership: this criterion takes into account the relationships between the various actors of the territory concerned through which the cooperation between the actors is implemented, to ensure the achievement of the environmental objectives of the project.
The territorial scopes are not relevant for the attribution of the score.
Eligible expenditure
Eligible costs are:
- costs of setting up networks/clusters and intermediation activities;
- study/project costs (animation, design, establishment, operation and management of the project partnership);
- direct costs of cooperation activities and dissemination of results;
- the costs of carrying out all the other activities provided for in the individual cooperation projects.
Scope of support
The support will be 100% guaranteed.
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