Bando Sottomisura 9.1: scorrimento graduatoria e ammissione all'istruttoria

Misura 9

Formation of producer groups and organisations (Article 27)

Measure 9 encourages cooperation between primary producers, promotes the establishment of associations and organisations in the sector and rewards compliance with current quality legislation. 

The main objective of the measure is the improvement of the agricultural ecosystem by integrating new players into the local agri-food chain. 

Misura 9

Formation of producer groups and organisations (Article 27)

Measure 9 encourages cooperation between primary producers, promotes the establishment of associations and organisations in the sector and rewards compliance with current quality legislation. 

The main objective of the measure is the improvement of the agricultural ecosystem by integrating new players into the local agri-food chain. 



Establishment of producer groups and organisations in the agricultural and forestry sectors

Open calls for tender

Closed calls for tender

Establishment of associations and organisations of producers in the agricultural and forestry sectors
null Bando Sottomisura 9.1: scorrimento graduatoria e ammissione all'istruttoria

Bando Sottomisura 9.1: scorrimento graduatoria e ammissione all'istruttoria
