Measure 1

Misura 1

Knowledge transfer and information actions (Article 14)

Measure 1 promotes training, further training and innovation in rural agriculture and forestry. 

Measure 1 finances training institutions and agencies for the organization of courses, workshops, laboratories, meetings and seminars aimed at operators in the agricultural, agri-food and forestry sectors. It also supports the sharing of technical, management and innovative skills through company exchanges and visits.

Misura 1

Knowledge transfer and information actions (Article 14)

Measure 1 promotes training, further training and innovation in rural agriculture and forestry. 

Measure 1 finances training institutions and agencies for the organization of courses, workshops, laboratories, meetings and seminars aimed at operators in the agricultural, agri-food and forestry sectors. It also supports the sharing of technical, management and innovative skills through company exchanges and visits.



Support for vocational training and acquisition of skills



Support for information and demonstration actions



Support for short-term farm-to-farm exchanges in the agricultural and forestry sector and for farm-to-farm and forestry visits

Open calls for tender

Closed calls for tender

News about Measure 1

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