Gal Terra dei Messapi

Terra dei Messapi Srl LAG

Cellino San Marco, Francavilla Fontana, Latiano, Mesagne, San Donaci, San Pancrazio Salentino, San Pietro Vernotico and Torchiarolo. 

The economy of the Terra dei Messapi LAG area is predominantly agricultural and artisanal. Tourism is recovering thanks to the development of extra-hotel accommodation and rural food and wine. Among the emerging historical and cultural resources, the two Messapian archaeological sites of Valesio and Muro Tenente stand out. 


  • Developing and innovate local supply chains and production systems; 
  • promoting sustainable forms of tourism. 

Financial measures 
Measure 19. 2 Amount EAFRD: 4 million euros
Measure 19. 4 Management and animation: 1 million euros
Total: 5 million euros



Open calls for tender

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