Bando Sottomisura 7.6

Call for tender Submeasure 7.6

Support for studies/investments related to the maintenance, restoration and upgrading of the cultural and natural heritage of villages, rural landscapes and high nature value sites, including the socio-economic aspects of these activities, as well as environmental awareness actions


Private owners of trulli, lamie, casedde, straw, in stone or tuff, dry or otherwise, falling within areas typified in the urban planning instruments in force, such as agricultural areas and expression of the identity of the rural landscape, built before the Agrarian and Land Reform in Puglia and, in any case, made within the first half of the last century.


Promote the protection and conservation of the traditional Apulian rural architectural heritage through maintenance, recovery, restoration and restructuring interventions of the typical rural building settlement morphotypes present in the various landscape areas of Puglia.

Selection principles

  • Interventions located in protected natural areas and Natura 2000 sites;
  • •Interventions located in "rural landscapes" as defined in point 4) of the art. 76 of the Technical Standards of Implementation of the Regional Territorial Landscape Plan of Puglia (PPTR Puglia);
  • Interventions that do not alter the original architectural features and the existing volume.

Eligible expenditure

Material investments for extraordinary maintenance, restoration, conservative rehabilitation and building renovation of real estate that represent minor rural architectures in stone or tuff, dry and otherwise, expression of the identity of the rural landscape, such as trulli, lamia, casedde, straw. If duly authorised, only modest extensions for technical rooms are allowed and within the maximum limit of 20% of the existing volume.

General expenses related to material investments such as design costs, construction supervision, etc. within the maximum limit of 12% of the works admitted.

Ordinary maintenance operations are not eligible for financing.


Extent of support

Capital grant, commensurate with the costs incurred and duly approved, equal to 50% of the eligible expenditure.

Extent of financing

The minimum investment limit is equal to 20,000.00 euros, the maximum investment limit is equal to 60,000.00 euros.

Read the call

Closed call


Mina Ritella
Head of Submeasures 7.2.A, 7.2.B, 7.6

Phone: +39 0805405211

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