Bando Sottomisura 6.4 - 2023

Submeasure 6.4 - Call 2023

Support for investments in the creation and development of extra-agricultural activities

The call for the year 2023 has a budget of 15 million euros. The objective is to support, in a business context, the diversification of production, with the introduction of extra-agricultural activities aimed at the socio-economic development of regional rural areas, through:

  • agritourism hospitality;
  • the offer of educational, recreational and teaching services to the population;
  • the production and sale of energy from renewable sources (exclusively from biomass deriving from by-products, crop residues and wood resulting from forest management, with the exclusion of dedicated agricultural crops, as well as biomass deriving from livestock activity and biomass deriving from by-products of agri-food industry).
  • the provision of social and health services, in particular for the benefit of the weaker sections of the population through:
    • social and service services and activities for local communities through the use of tangible and intangible agricultural resources to promote, accompany and implement actions aimed at developing skills and abilities, social and occupational inclusion, recreation and useful services for daily life;
    • performances and services that support medical, psychological and rehabilitative therapies aimed at improving the health conditions and social, emotional and cognitive functions of the subjects concerned also through the aid of farmed animals and the cultivation of plants.


Read the call

Closed call


Gioacchino Ruggieri
Head of Submeasures 6.4, 7.3

Phone: +39 080 5405297

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