Bando Sottomisura 16.4

Call for tender Submeasure 16.4

Support for horizontal and vertical supply chain cooperation for the creation and development of short supply chains and local markets and support for local promotional activities related to the development of short supply chains and local markets

The call, with a financial endowment of 5 million euros, has the aim to support horizontal and vertical supply chain cooperation between operators involved in the production, transformation and marketing of agricultural products. The final goal is to create and develop short supply chains and local markets, as well as support for local promotional activities, related to the development of short supply chains and local markets. In particular:

  • supports the commercial development of the agri-food supply chains, with particular reference to high quality products, with the aim of achieving economies of scale that cannot be achieved in isolation, consolidating relations between supply chain operators and reducing the number of intermediaries;
  • favors the aggregation processes of agricultural enterprises in structures equipped with management skills and tools functional to the improvement of the organization of agri-food production and marketing;
  • supports the development of new forms of sale to bring basic producers closer to final consumers, with implications both in social terms (increase in the relationship of trust between consumer and producer) and in environmental terms (reduction in handling, conservation and transport of agricultural products) to increase and consolidate the competitiveness of agricultural businesses, to support the creation of market outlets for niche products;
  • supports the creation and consolidation of short supply chains and their circuits and networks;
  • supports the local promotion and enhancement of products marketed in aggregate form with the development of a sense of trust and belonging to the territory, promoting their identity in consumers and economic operators;
  • contributes to the enhancement of rural territories, of traditional local productions and to the protection of small-scale agriculture, with repercussions also in environmental terms deriving from the reduction of passages, transport and handling of agricultural products and to the conservation of plant biodiversity.

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Closed call


Elisabetta Scarascia
Responsabile Sottomisure 16.4, 16.5

Tel: +39 080 5405146

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