Communication Plan 2017


The document outlines the communication activities for the year 2019, related to the Rural Development Programme (RDP) Puglia 2014-2020. The plan is prepared in line with the principles and objectives set out in the Communication, Information and Publicity Strategy, presented and approved by the Monitoring Committee on 16 March 2016.

The communication and information activities have been planned as a logical continuation of the activities launched in 2016, through the objectives: 

  • to raise young people's awareness of the value of the agricultural and forestry heritage and contributing with specialist skills to making the agricultural sector attractive and competitive; 
  • Communications on the opportunities of European rural development funds to the new generations; 
  • To experience a model for enhancing professional skills, based on cooperation between the education system and the labour market.

Among the main themes of the 2017 communication plan, organic farming and diversification. They were also chosen in continuity with the theme chosen by the National Rural Network to experiment with the Rural4Learning programme through two pilot projects: Rural4Agrari and Rural4University.