Bando Sottomisura 4.1.B – Pacchetto Giovani

Call for tender Submeasure 4.1.B - Youth Package

Support for tangible and intangible investments made by young farmers who settle for the first time with the support of Measure 6. 1 - Youth Package

The call for proposals of Submeasure 4.1.B is part of the so-called "Integrated Package", i.e. the "Young Farmers Package", dedicated to those under 40 who are setting up in agriculture for the first time with the support of Submeasure 6.1. The "Youth Package" consists of the above mentioned Operation 4.1.B and Submeasure 6.4 "Investments in the creation and development of non-agricultural activities" and Submeasure 3.1 "Support to new memberships of quality schemes". Transaction 4.1.B supports the following investments:

  • new construction and modernisation of rural buildings for use in agricultural and livestock production;
  • the purchase or lease-purchase of new machinery and equipment, including software, up to the market value of the asset (other costs related to the contract for leasing, such as the lessor's margin, the interest refinancing costs, the general expenses of the and insurance costs, are not eligible);
  • biomass storage company facilities;
  • investments to improve the energy efficiency of productive rural agricultural buildings;
  • tree cultivation facilities;
  • innovative plant, machinery and equipment to improve efficiency and optimizing the use of the irrigation resource;
  • interventions relating to the creation of distribution networks that allow for savings and a improvement of the efficiency of distribution systems and the creation of collection ponds, of rainwater of less than 250,000 cubic meters in size, in order to increase the availability of water resources in periods of scarcity and greatest need to reduce water pressure of groundwater;
  • purchase of agricultural land for a maximum of 10% of the total eligible expenditure of the operation under consideration;
  • storage facilities for agricultural products;
  • innovative plant, machinery and equipment for short chain investments.

Read the call

Closed call


Mariateresa D'Arcangelo 
Head of Submeasures 4.1.B, 6.1

Phone: +39 080 5405226

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