
In accordance with Art. 3 of the Internal Rules (RI), the Monitoring Committee for RDP 2014-2022 meets at least once a year at the place indicated in the meeting document. 

The President or a delegate of the Managing Authority convenes the meeting in order to evaluate the implementation of the Programme and the progress made in achieving its objectives.

It is the task of the technical secretariat of the Managing Authority to send: 

  • the convocation; 
  • the provisional agenda and related documentation for the members of the Committee at least ten working days before the meeting. 

The members of the Committee with deliberative functions may request, within five working days of receipt of the provisional agenda, the inclusion of duly motivated items to be discussed. 

The President may, in exceptional and justified cases, order: 

  • urgent convocations of the Committee by communicating them to the participants at least five working days before the meeting; 
  • that the Committee's meeting should deal with matters not on the agenda.